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What does a case study of an event look like?

Hancock and Algozzine (2011), in their book "Doing Case Study Research", have compiled a number of examples of the use of case study in practice. Below is an example of a case study of an event, with a link to the original article via the Deakin library website.

Please note: this case study references an attempted shooting by a student at a high school in the US. Reader discretion is advised.


Campus response to a student gunman (1995)

  • This study provides a detailed description of the attempted shooting; a chronology of the first two weeks of events following the incident; and details of the city, the campus, and the building in which the incident occurred.

  • Data was collected through multiple sources - including interviews, observations, documents, and audiovisual material.

  • From the data analysis – several themes emerged such as denial, fear, safety, retriggering, and campus planning.

  • These themes were then combined into two overarching perspectives – an organizational response, and a socio-psychological response – which the authors then advocated for in preparing safety plans for future.

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